




Perfect Redemption: The Purpose of His Passion ebook (e-book)   
(Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Holy Communion and Redemption,New Believer,New Creation Realities)

You Don't Have to Be Smart to Walk with God ebook (e-book)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)



Developing Spirit-mindedness / Putting on the New Man (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Developing Spirit-mindedness / Putting on the New Man (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

How to Handle It when You Are Wrong (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Relationships)

How to Handle It when You Are Wrong (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Relationships)


Angels in the Army ebook (e-book)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Christology of the Constellations ebook (e-book)   
(Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Exposing Sons of Belial:
Identifying and Overcoming Children of the Devil ebook (e-book)
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

God Damn Satan:
Subduing the Evil Kingdom through the Power of Biblical Cursing ebook (e-book)
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

God's Inheritance in the Saints / Basic Lessons for New Believers (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

God's Inheritance in the Saints / Basic Lessons for New Believers (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

In His Image (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

In His Image (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

India on Fire 2018 (DVD Single Teachings)   
(New Believer)

Making Him Your Habitation (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Making Him Your Habitation (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

(Advanced Believer,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins (Joe Dobrota) (CD)   
(Character Development,New Believer)

Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins (Joe Dobrota) (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer)

Overpowering Satan (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Overpowering Satan (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Perfect Will of God (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Teaching,Exhortation)

Perfect Will of God (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Teaching,Exhortation)

Redemption of the Purchased Possession (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Redemption of the Purchased Possession (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Repentance unto Refreshing (CD)   
(Character Development,Healing,Intermediate Believer)

Repentance unto Refreshing (MP3)  
(Character Development,Healing,Intermediate Believer)

The 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ on the Earth:
Will You Make It or Miss It? ebook (e-book)
(Biblical Research,Character Development,New Believer)

The History & Truth of the Zodiac ebook (e-book)   
(Christological Astronomy,New Believer)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Part 1-Covetousness & Part 2-Anger (CD)   
(Character Development,New Believer)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Part 1-Covetousness & Part 2-Anger (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer)

The Token of Our Inheritance / Being Right with God (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

The Token of Our Inheritance / Being Right with God (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

The Unforgivable Sin (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

The Unforgivable Sin (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)


A Conscience Void of Offense / Put Your Foot Down (CD)   
(Character Development,New Creation Realities,New Believer)

A Conscience Void of Offense / Put Your Foot Down (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Backsliding (CD)   
(Character Development,Exhortation,New Believer)

Backsliding (MP3)  
(Character Development,Exhortation,New Believer)

Bitter or Better (CD)   
(Character Development,Advanced Believer,Discipleship and Equipping)

Bitter or Better (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping)

Celestial Phenomenon at the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Celestial Phenomenon at the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Discovering Your Destiny (CD)   
(Developing Your Ministry,New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Discovering Your Destiny (MP3)  
(Developing Your Ministry,New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Diverse Kinds of Tongues ebook (e-book)   
(New Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

Dualism in the United States (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Eschatology)

Dualism in the United States (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Eschatology)

Get an Attitude and Finish the Fight (CD)   
(Exhortation,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,New Believer)

Get an Attitude and Finish the Fight (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exhortation,New Believer)

Healing and Dealing with Trauma (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Healing,New Believer)

Healing and Dealing with Trauma (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Healing,New Believer,Exhortation)

Hope-Biblical and Celestial / The Weapon of Praise (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Exhortation)

Interpretation of Tongues ebook (e-book)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul - DVD class (DVD Sets)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Omega Man Radio Interview (Spiritual Warfare Review) (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Intermediate Believer)

Omega Man Radio Interview (Spiritual Warfare Review) (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Intermediate Believer)

Personification with Jesus (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer,Relationships)

Personification with Jesus (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer,Relationships)

True Confessions of Spiritual Warriors ebook (e-book)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

What Does the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 Mean? (DVD Single Teachings)   


Acknowledging God / What to Pray For (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities)

Acknowledging God / What to Pray For (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities)

Exercising Spiritual Authority (Audiobook in MP3) (Audiobooks in MP3)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Exercising Spiritual Authority (Audiobook on CD) (Audiobooks on CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Discipleship and Equipping,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Exercising Spiritual Authority)

Hope Dope (MP3)  
(Eschatology,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

Hope Dope (CD)   
(Eschatology,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

How to Be Spiritually Correct in a Politically Incorrect Time (MP3)  
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

Inner Preparedness / Practicing the Presence of God (Dale & Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,Prayer and Intercession,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

Inner Preparedness / Practicing the Presence of God (Dale & Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,Prayer and Intercession,New Believer,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping)

Interpretation of Tongues - DVD class (DVD Sets)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy)

Interpretation of Tongues (parts 1 & 2) (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Interpretation of Tongues (parts 1 & 2) (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Interpretation of Tongues: What It Is, What It Does, How to Do It (Book)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy)

Marriage's Greatest Secret / Protection of the Elect in the Day of Wrath (CD)   
(Eschatology,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Covenant)

Marriage's Greatest Secret / Protection of the Elect in the Day of Wrath (MP3)  
(Covenant,New Believer,Eschatology,Intermediate Believer)

Meditating on the Word of God (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Exhortation,New Believer)

Meditating on the Word of God (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Exhortation,New Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul ebook (e-book)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

That I May Know Him - parts 1 & 2 (CD)   
(New Believer,New Creation Realities,Relationships)

That I May Know Him - parts 1 and 2 (MP3)  
(New Believer,New Creation Realities,Relationships)

The History and Truth of the Zodiac (Booklet)   
(New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

The Mobile Temple (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Creation Realities,New Believer)

The Mobile Temple (CD)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Creation Realities,New Believer)

The Parable of the Sower (CD)   
(Apostles,Character Development,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

The Parable of the Sower (MP3)  
(Apostles,Character Development,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

The Result of the Commandment / ESA Booksigning (MP3)  
(New Believer,New Creation Realities,Character Development,Exhortation)

The Result of the Commandment / ESA Booksigning (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,Character Development,Exhortation,New Believer)

You Don’t Have to Be Smart to Walk with God (Book)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

You're a Legend in My Mind (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Exhortation,New Believer)

You're a Legend in My Mind (CD)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Exhortation,New Believer)


Being Effectual or of No Effect (CD)   
(Developing Your Ministry,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

Being Effectual or of No Effect (MP3)  
(Developing Your Ministry,New Believer,Discipleship and Equipping)

Christological Astronomy Class (MP3 Set)   
(Christological Astronomy,Biblical Research,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer)

Dealing with Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia (MP3)  
(Character Development,Health,Intermediate Believer)

Dualism / Sons of God (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Dualism / Sons of God (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Exercising Spiritual Authority (Book)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Advanced Believer,Biblical Research)

Exercising Spiritual Authority ebook (e-book)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Biblical Research)

Exercising Spiritual Authority over Principalities & Powers (MP3 Set)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exercising Spiritual Authority)

Exercising Spiritual Authority over Principalities & Powers (CD Sets)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exercising Spiritual Authority)

History of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) (MP3)  
(Christological Astronomy,New Believer,Prophecy)

History of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) (CD)   
(Christological Astronomy,New Believer,Prophecy)

Husbands, Love Your Wives (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer,Relationships)

Husbands, Love Your Wives (CD)   
(New Believer,Character Development,Relationships)

India 2015 (MP3)  
(Apostles,Evangelism,New Believer)

India 2015 (DVD Single Teachings)   
(Apostles,Evangelism,New Believer)

Lessons from Lot (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Lessons from Lot (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul (Audiobook in MP3) (Audiobooks in MP3)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul (Audiobook on CD) (Audiobooks on CD)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

Planet X Disclosed (CD)   
(Christological Astronomy,Biblical Research,Advanced Believer)

Planet X Disclosed (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy)

Romans 8 (part 2)/ Star of Nazareth (CD)   
(New Believer,Biblical Research,New Creation Realities,Teaching)

Romans 8 (part 2)/ Star of Nazareth (MP3)  
(New Believer,Biblical Research,New Creation Realities,Teaching)

Spiritual Warfare Special (E Store Specials)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Biblical Research)

Warned of God (CD)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

Warned of God (MP3)  
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

Where Do You Go When You Die? (Booklet)   
(Biblical Research,Eschatology,Intermediate Believer,Evangelism)

Who Do You Think You Are? (Booklet)   
(Character Development,New Believer,New Creation Realities)

Ye Are Gods—Exercising Spiritual Authority on Steroids! (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Creation Realities)

Ye Are Gods—Exercising Spiritual Authority on Steroids! (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Creation Realities)

Ye Are Gods—Moved with Compassion (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities)

Ye Are Gods—Moved with Compassion (CD)   
(Character Development,New Creation Realities,Intermediate Believer)


Celestial Update (CD)   
(Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer)

Celestial Update (MP3)  
(Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer)

Constellation Map of the Heavens - PDF (PDFs)   
(Christological Astronomy)

Extravagant Love from an Alabaster Jar (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Hope (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(Character Development,Exhortation,New Believer)

Hope (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Exhortation,New Believer)

How to Be Spiritually Correct in a Politically Incorrect Time (CD)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

Inherit the Earth (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Eschatology,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

Inherit the Earth (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Eschatology,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

Living in the Second Third of the Circle (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Christological Astronomy,New Creation Realities)

Living in the Second Third of the Circle (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Christological Astronomy,New Creation Realities)

Quantum Physics continued: Entanglement/Entrainment/Observation (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Quantum Physics continued: Entanglement/Entrainment/Observation (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Romans 8 (part 1) (CD)   
(New Believer,Biblical Research,New Creation Realities,Teaching)

Romans 8 (part 1) (MP3)  
(New Believer,Biblical Research,New Creation Realities,Teaching)

School of the Holy Spirit (Poondi, India) (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy,New Believer)

School of the Holy Spirit (Poondi, India) (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy,New Believer)

Set Your Affections on Things Above (CD)   
(Exhortation,Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Set Your Affections on Things Above (MP3)  
(Exhortation,Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Set Your Affections on Things Above (DVD Single Teachings)   
(Character Development,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

The Lord's Portion (CD)   
(Exhortation,Money and Finance ,New Believer)

The Lord's Portion (MP3)  
(Exhortation,Money and Finance ,New Believer)

TruNews Radio Interview (SOBs Among Us) (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Intermediate Believer)

TruNews Radio Interview (SOBs Among Us) (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Intermediate Believer)

Who Do You Think You Are? (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer,New Creation Realities)

Who Do You Think You Are? (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,Character Development,New Believer)

Wisdom Is Greater than Faith (more Quantum Physics) (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Gifts of the Spirit)

Wisdom Is Greater than Faith (more Quantum Physics) (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Gifts of the Spirit)


Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable (MP3)  
(Eschatology,Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Comfort the Afllicted and Afflict the Comfortable (CD)   
(Character Development,Eschatology,Intermediate Believer)

Exercising Spiritual Authority: Level 3 (MP3 Set)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit)

Exercising Spiritual Authority: Level 3 (CD Sets)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit)

Fellowship with Jesus Christ (Vicki Sides) (CD Sets)   
(New Believer,Teaching)

Fellowship with Jesus Christ (Vicki Sides) (MP3 Set)   
(New Believer,Teaching)

Forewarned Is Forearmed: The Jesuits Will Do It (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Forewarned Is Forearmed: The Jesuits Will Do It (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

How to R.E.A.D. and S.T.U.D.Y the Bible (MP3 Set)   
(New Believer,Teaching)

How to R.E.A.D. and S.T.U.D.Y. the Bible (CD Sets)   
(New Believer,Teaching)

Interpretation of Tongues Class (CD Sets)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prophecy,Prayer and Intercession)

Interpretation of Tongues Class (MP3 Set)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy)

Liberating Ministries Discipleship Program (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Biblical Research,Character Development,Christological Astronomy,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Discipleship and Equipping,Health,Gifts of the Spirit)

Mazzaroth- PDF (PDFs)   
(Christological Astronomy)

Minnesota Teen Challenge: Dr Dale's Teaching & Hannah's Testimony (CD)   
(Character Development,Developing Your Ministry,New Believer,Youth)

Minnesota Teen Challenge: Dr Dale's Teaching & Hannah's Testimony (MP3)  
(Character Development,Developing Your Ministry,New Believer,Youth)

More on the New Moon, Abraham, and the Feasts (MP3)  
(Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer,Teaching)

More on the New Moon, Abraham, and the Feasts (CD)   
(Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer,Teaching)

New Creation Realities (CD Sets)   
(New Believer,New Creation Realities,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping)

New Creation Realities (MP3 Set)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer,New Creation Realities)

New Moon Celebration (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Eschatology,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Worship)

New Moon Celebration (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Eschatology,Prayer and Intercession,Worship,Intermediate Believer)

Quantum Physics: Deeper Dimensions of Deliverance (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Quantum Physics: Deeper Dimensions of Deliverance (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Silent Suffering (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Silent Suffering (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Sons of Belial Update: The Jesuits Did It (Dale Sides & Daniel Daves) (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Sons of Belial Update: The Jesuits Did It (Dale Sides & Daniel Daves) (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Teachers Practicum (MP3 Set)   
(Teaching,Intermediate Believer)

The Celestial Word Made Simple and Fun (formerly: Having Fun in the Land of the Midnight Sun) (MP3)  
(Christological Astronomy,New Believer)

The Celestial Word Made Simple and Fun (formerly: Having Fun in the Land of the Midnight Sun) (CD)   
(Christological Astronomy,New Believer)

The Greatest Revelation Jesus Taught (CD)   
(New Believer,New Creation Realities,Covenant)

The Greatest Revelation Jesus Taught (MP3)  
(Covenant,New Believer,New Creation Realities)

The Heavens Declare (by William D. Banks) (Book)   
(Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer)

The Long Arm and the Hidden Hand (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Prophecy,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

The Long Arm and the Hidden Hand (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Prophecy,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

The Role of the Pastors in the Church (CD)   
(Church Government)

Yahweh—the Sacred Name of God (Vicki Sides) (MP3 Set)   
(New Believer,Teaching)

Yahweh—The Sacred Name of God (Vicki Sides) (CD Sets)   
(New Believer,Teaching)


Abraham's Rosh Hashanah (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy,Teaching)

Abraham's Rosh Hashanah (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer,Teaching)

Circle on the Face of the Deep ebook (e-book)   
(Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy,Eschatology,Prophecy,Advanced Believer)

Job 19:25 Special (E Store Specials)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Holy Communion and Redemption,New Believer,New Creation Realities)

Let's Kill Cancer & Let's Invade Astrology (CD)   
(Christological Astronomy,Health,Biblical Research,Exhortation,Intermediate Believer)

Let's Kill Cancer and Let's Invade Astrology (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Health,Exhortation,Christological Astronomy)

Magnify God with Thanksgiving (CD)   
(Character Development,Worship,Teaching,New Believer)

Magnify God with Thanksgiving (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer,Teaching,Worship)

Overcoming Addictions (MP3)  
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Health,New Believer)

Overcoming Addictions (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Health,Character Development,New Believer)

Sons of Belial (Radio Interview with Daniel Daves) (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exhortation)

Sons of Belial (Radio Interview with Daniel Daves—part 1) (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exhortation)

Teachers Practicum (CD Sets)   
(Teaching,Intermediate Believer)

The 1,000 Year Reign Radio Interview (MP3)  
(Exhortation,Intermediate Believer,Prophecy)

The 1,000 Year Reign Radio Interview (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Prophecy,Exhortation)

The False Pastor (MP3)  
(Church Government,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Teaching)

The False Pastor (CD)   
(Church Government,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Teaching)

The Law of Conscience (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Creation Realities,Biblical Research,New Believer,Teaching)

The Law of Conscience (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,New Believer,Teaching)

The Prayers in the Pauline Epistles (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

The Prayers in the Pauline Epistles (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

To Rejoice Is a Choice (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer,Worship,Exhortation)

To Rejoice Is a Choice (CD)   
(Character Development,Exhortation,New Believer,Worship)

Where Are the Apostles? e-book (e-book)   
(Apostles,New Believer,Church Government)

Wisdom in Giving (CD)   
(Money and Finance ,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Teaching,Covenant,New Believer)

Wisdom in Giving (MP3)  
(Character Development,Covenant,Discipleship and Equipping,Money and Finance ,New Believer,Teaching)

Your Spiritual Destination (CD)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,Evangelism,New Creation Realities,Intermediate Believer)

Your Spiritual Destination (MP3)  
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities,Evangelism)


Breathing for Life- PDF (PDFs)   

Christological Astronomy (DVD Sets)   
(New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Christological Astronomy (CD Sets)   
(Christological Astronomy,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer,Biblical Research)

Christological Astronomy e-workbook (e-book)   
(Christological Astronomy,Biblical Research,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer)

Christological Astronomy: Interpreting Christological Profiles in the Heavens (workbook) (Book)   
(Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy,Intermediate Believer,Developing Your Ministry)

Driving Out Demons with Speaking in Tongues (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Driving Out Demons with Speaking in Tongues (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Gifts of the Spirit)

Fit for the Kingdom (DVD Sets)   
(Health,New Believer,Intermediate Believer,Advanced Believer)

Fit for the Kingdom Dinner Recipes (PDFs)   

Healthy Living (MP3)  
(Healing,New Believer,Health,Exhortation)

Healthy Living (CD)   
(New Believer,Health,Exhortation,Healing)

I Ain't Takin' Acid Anymore (Booklet)   
(Health,New Believer)

Man Up Spiritual Warrior Devotionals ebook (e-book)   
(Intermediate Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Ministering unto the Lord (Moses Thuruthy) (CD)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Exhortation,New Believer,Worship)

Ministering unto the Lord (Moses Thuruthy) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer,Worship,Exhortation)

Notes on The Circle on the Face of the Deep (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Prophecy,Eschatology,Christological Astronomy)

Patience: Bearing Up (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer,Relationships)

Patience: Bearing Up (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(New Believer,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Relationships)

Satanic Symbolism in Washington DC (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer,Prophecy,Exhortation)

Satanic Symbolism in Washington DC (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Exhortation,Prophecy)

Speaking by the Spirit of God (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Prophecy,Gifts of the Spirit,Discipleship and Equipping,Prayer and Intercession)

Speaking by the Spirit of God (MP3)  
(Developing Your Ministry,Discipleship and Equipping,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy)

Speaking by the Spirit of God (part 2): Interpretation of Tongues (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Prophecy)

Speaking by the Spirit of God (part 2): Interpretation of Tongues (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Gifts of the Spirit,Prophecy,Prayer and Intercession)

The Cancer Answer (Booklet)   
(Healing,Developing Your Ministry,Health,New Believer)

The Greatest Secret Never Told: The Circle on the Face of the Deep (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Christological Astronomy,Evangelism,Biblical Research,Teaching)

The Greatest Secret Never Told: The Circle on the Face of the Deep (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Christological Astronomy,Evangelism,Biblical Research,Teaching)

The Secret Tellers (part 1): The Nephilim & Fallen Angels (Dale Sides & Tim Keyes) (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Discipleship and Equipping)

The Secret Tellers (part 1): The Nephilim & Fallen Angels (Dale Sides & Tim Keyes) (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Discipleship and Equipping)

Where Do You Go when You Die? (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Eschatology,Evangelism)

Where Do You Go when You Die? (CD)   
(Eschatology,Intermediate Believer,Biblical Research,Evangelism)

You Are a Spirit Being (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,New Creation Realities,New Believer,Exhortation)

You Are a Spirit Being (CD)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer,New Creation Realities,Exhortation,Gifts of the Spirit)

You Are Still a Spirit Being (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Teaching,Gifts of the Spirit,Exhortation)

You Are Still a Spirit Being (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities,Teaching)


Abaddon (a.k.a. Apollyon) (Booklet)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Eschatology)

Becoming Fishers of Men (MP3)  
(New Believer,Evangelism)

Becoming Fishers of Men (CD)   
(New Believer,Evangelism)

Christological Astronomy (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Developing Your Ministry,Christological Astronomy)

Christological Astronomy (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Devil, Give Me Back My Money! ebook (e-book)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer,Money and Finance )

Follow Philip (MP3)  
(Church Government,Discipleship and Equipping,Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)

Follow Philip (CD)   
(Church Government,Discipleship and Equipping,Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)

His Star, the Magi, & the Messiah (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

His Star, the Magi, & the Messiah (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Inspiration, Revelation, and Worship (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Inspiration, Revelation, and Worship (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Lessons of Leadership (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Prophesy to Your Giant (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prophecy)

Prophesy to Your Giant (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Prophecy)

Speaking in Tongues (Miracle Grow) & Operating Faith (Dale Sides & Steve Sann – 2 CDs) (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Prophecy,Prayer and Intercession,Gifts of the Spirit)

Speaking in Tongues (Miracle Grow) /Operating Faith (Dale Sides & Steve Sann) (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Prophecy,Gifts of the Spirit,Prayer and Intercession)

Studying War:
They Continually Gather Together for War ebook (e-book)
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Sustaining Hope (CD)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

Sustaining Hope (MP3)  
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

The Cancer Answer ebook (e-book)   
(Healing,Health,New Believer)

The Rabbit Church (MP3)  
(Church Government,Intermediate Believer,Relationships,Evangelism)

The Rabbit Church (CD)   
(Church Government,Intermediate Believer,Relationships,Evangelism)

The Satanic Deception of Knife & Fork ebook (e-book)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Health)

The SOBs Are Killing US (CD)   
(Health,Intermediate Believer)

The SOBs Are Killing Us (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Health)


40 Days of Communion in Your Home ebook (e-book)   
(Holy Communion and Redemption,New Believer)

Becoming the Revelation (David Scovel) (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Youth)

Becoming the Revelation (David Scovel) (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

Companion Bible—Appendix 12: "The Stars Also" PDF (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Cursing Your Addiction (MP3)  
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer,Exhortation)

Cursing Your Addiction (CD)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer,Exhortation)

Defending the Resurrection (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Defending the Resurrection (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Exercising Spiritual Authority: Level 1 (DVD Sets)   
(Character Development,Developing Your Ministry,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

Marriage, Menopause, and Good Sex (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Relationships)

Marriage, Menopause, and Good Sex (Dale & Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Relationships)

Mending Cracks in the Soul (CD Sets)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Repentance and Suffering in the Flesh (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Repentance and Suffering in the Flesh (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Studying War: They Continually Gather Together for War (Booklet)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

The Circle in the Heavens (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy)

The Circle in the Heavens (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy)

The Foundation of Miracle Working (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

The Foundation of Miracle Working (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

The God that Can't Be Seen (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

The God that Can't Be Seen (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (CD Sets)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer,Teaching)

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (MP3 Set)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer,Teaching)

The Message of Mount Moriah & Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Holy Communion and Redemption)

The Message of Mount Moriah & Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Holy Communion and Redemption)

The Rooster Crow & Scooter Show (Dale Sides and Russ Chandler) (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Discipleship and Equipping)

The Rooster Crow & Scooter Show (Dale Sides and Russ Chandler) (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Intermediate Believer)

Too Much of Anything (MP3)  
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Teaching)

Too Much of Anything (CD)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

Understanding & Breaking the Schemes of the Devil ebook (e-book)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)


Book of Enoch- PDF (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Intermediate Believer)

Book of Jasher- PDF (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Intermediate Believer)

Book of Jubilees- PDF (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Intermediate Believer)

Convicted of Righteousness (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities)

Convicted of Righteousness (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,New Creation Realities)

Covenant Healing in Communion (MP3 Set)   
(Holy Communion and Redemption,Intermediate Believer,Covenant)

Covenant Healing in Communion (CD Sets)   
(Holy Communion and Redemption,Intermediate Believer,Covenant)

Dead Sea Scrolls- PDF (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Intermediate Believer)

Developing Your Spiritual Sensitivity (MP3 Set)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Developing Your Spiritual Sensitivity (CD Sets)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,Worship)

Discerning of Spirits and Casting Out Demons (MP3 Set)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)

Discerning of Spirits and Casting Out Demons (CD Sets)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)

End-Time Prophecy in the Heavens (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

End-Time Prophecy in the Heavens (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

Exercising Spiritual Authority for Yourself & Your Ministry (MP3 Set)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Exercising Spiritual Authority for Yourself & Your Ministry (CD Sets)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Foundations of Faith (MP3 Set)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Foundations of Faith (CD Sets)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

How to Do Miracles (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

How to Do Miracles (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

Identification with Christ (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Identification with Christ (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Identification with Christ: on the Cross/ on the Throne (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Identification with Christ: on the Cross/ on the Throne (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Life after the New Birth (MP3)  
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

Life after the New Birth (CD)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul (class) (MP3 Set)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Perfect Redemption (MP3 Set)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,New Believer)

Realizing & Fulfilling Your Personal Ministry (CD Sets)   
(Developing Your Ministry,New Believer)

Realizing & Fulfilling Your Personal Ministry (MP3 Set)   
(Developing Your Ministry,New Believer)

Realizing & Fulfilling Your Personal Ministry ebook (e-book)   
(Developing Your Ministry,New Believer)

Sons of Belial (MP3 Set)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Spirit, Soul, and Body: Saving the Whole Man (CD Sets)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Spirit, Soul, and Body: Saving the Whole Man (MP3 Set)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Spiritual Authority (CD Sets)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

Spiritual Authority (MP3 Set)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

Spiritual Boot Camp (CD Sets)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Spiritual Boot Camp (MP3 Set)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Spiritual Gifts Evaluation PDF (PDFs)   
(Advanced Believer,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

Stand and Deliver (Jerry Murphy) (CD)   
(Character Development,Healing,New Believer)

Stand and Deliver (Jerry Murphy) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Healing,Intermediate Believer)

T.R.U.C.O.P.S. ebook (e-book)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

The Gospel of the Kingdom (MP3 Set)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,New Believer)

The Heart of Giving (MP3 Set)   
(Money and Finance ,New Believer)

The Lord's Supper/ The Mystery of Job (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

The Lord's Supper/The Mystery of Job (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

The Myths of Forgiveness (John Bright – 2 CDs) (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

The Myths of Forgiveness (John Bright) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

The Planet Rahab (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy)

The Planet Rahab (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Christological Astronomy)

The Supernova of Bethlehem (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Christological Astronomy)

The Supernova of Bethlehem (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer,Teaching,Christological Astronomy)

Understanding & Breaking the Schemes of the Devil (CD Sets)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Understanding & Breaking the Schemes of the Devil (MP3 Set)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Walking in Resurrected Power (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Walking in Resurrected Power (MP3)  
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)


Biblical Health Insurance (CD)   
(Money and Finance ,New Believer)

Biblical Health Insurance (MP3)  
(Money and Finance ,New Believer)

Ephesians 4:1–16 (Jesus Went to Hell) (MP3)  
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Ephesians 4:1–16 (Jesus Went to Hell) (CD)   
(Biblical Research,Intermediate Believer)

Exercising Spiritual Authority for Yourself and Your Ministry (DVD Sets)   
(Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Exposing Sons of Belial:
Identifying and Overcoming Children of the Devil (Booklet)
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Faith It Out (Jerry Murphy) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Faith It Out (Jerry Murphy) (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

I Ain't Takin' Acid Anymore (MP3)  
(New Believer,Health)

I Ain't Takin' Acid Anymore (CD)   
(New Believer,Health)

Manifesting the Holy Spirit (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Manifesting the Holy Spirit (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Non-canonical Writings (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research)

Perfect Redemption (DVD Sets)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)

Second Peter 1:1–15 Character after Salvation (Dale & Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Second Peter 1:1–15: Character after Salvation (Dale & Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Sons of Belial (CD Sets)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Temperance: the Fruit of the Spirit (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Temperance: The Fruit of the Spirit (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

The Gift of Faith (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

The Gift of Faith (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

The Gospel of the Kingdom (DVD Sets)   
(Biblical Research,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Eschatology)


Be a Proactive Warrior (Swing First) (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Be a Proactive Warrior (Swing First) (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Dying to Disappointment (Mike Blatnik) (CD)   
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Dying to Disappointment (Mike Blatnik) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Exposing Sons of Belial (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Exposing Sons of Belial (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Inner Secrets of the Great Mystery (Part 1) (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Inner Secrets of the Great Mystery (part 1) (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Inner Secrets of the Great Mystery (Part 2) (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Inner Secrets of the Great Mystery (part 2) (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

It's All about Relationship (Eric Warren – 2 CDS) (CD)   
(New Believer,Relationships)

It's All About Relationship (Eric Warren) (MP3)  
(New Believer,Relationships)

Making the Millennial Kingdom (MP3)  
(Character Development,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer)

Making the Millennial Kingdom (CD)   
(Character Development,Developing Your Ministry,Intermediate Believer)

Overcoming Depression (CD)   
(Character Development,New Creation Realities,Intermediate Believer)

Overcoming Depression (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer)

Perfect Redemption (CD Sets)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,New Believer)

Re-GENE-erated (CD)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

Re-GENE-erated (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Creation Realities)

Secrets to Gaining Wealth (CD)   
(Intermediate Believer,Money and Finance )

Secrets to Gaining Wealth (MP3)  
(Intermediate Believer,Money and Finance )

The 1,000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ on the Earth: Will You Make It or Miss It? (Book)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,New Believer)

The Gospel of the Kingdom (CD Sets)   
(Biblical Research,Character Development,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

The Heart of Giving (CD Sets)   
(Money and Finance ,New Believer)

The Pineal Gland (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

The Pineal Gland (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

Why Should We Forgive? (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(Character Development,New Believer)

Why Should We Forgive? (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(Character Development,New Believer)


Nailprints (Artwork)
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

Closing Gates of Hell (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Closing Gates of Hell (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Closing Gates of Hell (Booklet)   
(Advanced Believer,Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Covet Earnestly the Best Gifts (CD)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Covet Earnestly the Best Gifts (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Impartation of Diversities of Tongues (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Impartation of Diversities of Tongues (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

Our Privilege to Operate Power: Exercising Spiritual Authority (CD)   
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

Our Privilege to Operate Power: Exercising Spiritual Authority (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

The Weapon of Mercy (CD)   
(Holy Communion and Redemption,New Believer)

The Weapon of Mercy (MP3)  
(Holy Communion and Redemption,New Believer)

Turning Churches into Armies (Booklet)   
(Biblical Research,Church Government,Intermediate Believer)

Turning Churches into Armies: Introduction (CD)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Turning Churches into Armies: Introduction (MP3)  
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)


Advanced Warfare Strategies (Deploying Diverse Tongues) (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

Advanced Warfare Strategies (Deploying Diverse Tongues) (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

Angels in the Army: How to Release the Heavenly Host in Spiritual Warfare (Book)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Devil, Give Me Back My Money! (Book)   
(Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)

Led by the Spirit to Speak in Tongues (MP3)  
(Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul: Ministry Session (MP3)  
(Exercising Spiritual Authority,New Believer)

Perfect Redemption: The Purpose of His Passion (Book)   
(Biblical Research,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Holy Communion and Redemption,New Creation Realities,New Believer)

Praising God (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(New Believer,Prayer and Intercession)

The Physics of Faith (MP3)  
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

The Satanic Deception of Knife & Fork (Booklet)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,Health)


The Example (Artwork)
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Holy Communion and Redemption,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Relationships)

Diverse Kinds of Tongues (Booklet)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)

Understanding & Breaking the Schemes of the Devil (Booklet)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)


Perfect Sacrifice (Artwork)
(Advanced Believer,Discipleship and Equipping,Holy Communion and Redemption,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

40 Days of Communion in Your Home (Booklet)   
(Holy Communion and Redemption,New Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul (Book)   
(Discipleship and Equipping,New Believer)


The Alabaster Jar (Artwork)
(Advanced Believer,Character Development,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer,New Believer,Prayer and Intercession,Relationships)

Extravagant Love from an Alabaster Jar (Vicki Sides) (MP3)  
(Character Development,Intermediate Believer)

Mending Cracks in the Soul: Ministry Session (CD)   
(Character Development,Healing,New Believer)

Perfecta Redención (Spanish Publications)   
(Advanced Believer,Holy Communion and Redemption,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

The Ministry of Liberality (Booklet)   
(Money and Finance ,New Believer)

The Physics of Faith (CD)   
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit)

The Three Doctrines of Damnation (Booklet)   
(Advanced Believer,Apostles,Church Government)

True Confessions of Spiritual Warriors (Booklet)   
(Character Development,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer)


Géneros de Lenguas (Spanish Publications)   
(Advanced Believer,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

God Damn Satan: Subduing the Evil Kingdom through the Power of Biblical Cursing (Book)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare)

Utilizing Gift Ministries: Para-church Provisions for Revival in Local Congregations (Book)   
(Advanced Believer,Apostles,Church Government)


Crucifixion Study (Artwork)
(Advanced Believer,Discipleship and Equipping,Holy Communion and Redemption,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)

Flowing in All Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Booklet)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)

The Anointing In and On (Booklet)   
(Biblical Research,Exercising Spiritual Authority,Gifts of the Spirit,Intermediate Believer)


Equipping Intercessors (2 CDs) (CD)   
(Prayer and Intercession,Discipleship and Equipping,Intermediate Believer)



Approved of God—by Grace or by Works? (Booklet)   
(Biblical Research,New Believer)

Led by the Spirit to Speak in Tongues (CD)   
(Gifts of the Spirit,New Believer)


Praising God (Vicki Sides) (CD)   
(New Creation Realities,New Believer)


Satanás, ¡Devuélvame Mi Dinero! (Spanish Publications)   
(Advanced Believer,Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare,Intermediate Believer,New Believer)