
40 Days of Communion in Your Home ebook

A powerful primer to aid individuals and families in receiving the full benefits available through partaking of the Lord's Supper. Featuring daily Bible verses accompanied by short devotional passages, this booklet is designed to strengthen the reality of covenant living in your home and to enhance your intimacy with the Lord.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB004 Price: $6.00

Abaddon—The Place of Imprisoned Spirits ebook

Dr Dale has unraveled another Bible mystery in uncovering the secret of Abaddon. By comparing scriptures with apocryphal records, he has discovered the identity, inhabitants, and the prophesied opening of this ancient prison, as well as hints of its location. Learn about this pit and the authority you have over the evil that will be loosed out of it. More importantly, discover how those who are here during the Great Tribulation can be protected from its inhabitants.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB039 Price: $5.00

Abraham—His Unknown Years and Revealed Secrets ebook

Since the Bible begins the story of Abraham at age 75, little of his earlier life is commonly known. But with additional info from apocryphal books, cultural traditions, and historical sources, Dr. Dale has utilized literary license to develop this plausible, engaging, and intriguing work of historical fiction. The listener accompanies Abraham throughout his lifetime to gain an understanding of why he was a man of such strong trust in God that he became known as The Father of Faith.

Along the way you will discover documentable details such as his birth date, his exiled childhood (spent with famous predecessors), his survival of a terrifying assassination attempt by his nemesis, and the identity of the mysterious king of Salem.

May this presentation inspire your own walk of faith as you embark upon this journey of Abraham—His Unknown Years and Revealed Secrets.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB033 Price: $25.00

Angels in the Army ebook

Dale Sides shook the Christian world in his first book on spiritual warfare, God Damn Satan, which finally put serious weapons in the hands of serious warriors. Now in this stand-alone sequel, Angels in the Army, Dale discloses new information from the Dead Sea Scrolls that verifies age-old principles from the Bible—that mankind has been given the authority to release angels into spiritual warfare. Learn how to aim and shoot your "rhema rifle" to release the heavenly host into spiritual battle.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB020 Price: $10.00

Approved of God: By Grace or By Works? ebook

No question could be more highly charged than, "How do you show yourself approved unto God?" The answer is so vital and volatile that a full understanding of the Scriptures must be searched out. Regarding salvation, this ebook concentrates on the topic of being approved of God by grace and/or by works, according to His Most Holy Word.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB037 Price: $6.00

Christological Astronomy e-workbook

Christological Astronomy is not astrology but the study of the Word of God written in the heavens, which offers an amazing picture of Yeshua our Redeemer and King. Also contained within these starry messages are the potential destinies of God's children who He foreordained to represent Christ upon the earth. This in-depth e-workbook gives students a basic foundation of this fascinating topic and then builds upon it so that they can interpret these messages and be encouraged to rise up to the high calling of Christ in their lives. Christological Astronomy is suited for individual or group study and a Certificate of Completion is available for those who complete all assignments.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB009 Price: $25.00

Christology of the Constellations ebook

This e-book addresses the heavenly story line of both of Messiah’s comings—what He brought in the first one and will bring in His second one when He returns out of the heavens. Just as Oral Roberts pointed out that Christ is the “red thread” of the written Scriptures, The Christology of the Constellations reveals Him as the red thread of the heavenly Scriptures. Enjoy this as a stand-alone read or as a companion e-book to the Christological Astronomy e-workbook.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB021 Price: $10.00

Circle on the Face of the Deep ebook

Far above the North Pole and visible against the night sky, there is a star-studded circle that has perpetually declared revelation and beckoned mankind to read and interpret its prophetic message since its creation. Although it has been virtually ignored since ancient times, the need to understand what it is saying is even more urgent now, since we are on the brink of its fulfillment! Find out for yourself what the Creator of the universe wants every man, woman, and child to read and understand.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB011 Price: $10.00

Closing Gates of Hell ebook

No subject is as crucial in strategic level spiritual warfare than identifying and closing gates of hell. Jesus gave authority to the church to build the kingdom of God on the earth—including the authority to close these gates. When we operate in this manner we "blow up the communication system" of demons and wicked spirits from the heavenlies, which sows confusion and chaos into the kingdom of darkness. The truths revealed in this ebook are destined to become fundamental spiritual mapping strategies to help the church prevail over the evil kingdom and build the kingdom of God on the earth!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB029 Price: $7.00

Devil, Give Me Back My Money! ebook

A despicable thief has robbed God’s children. Whether he’s stolen your money, your health, or even your family, it’s time for God’s people to develop an attitude and reclaim what rightfully belongs to them! This book will give you the truths necessary to do just that. Are you ready to take back what the devil has stolen from you?  

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB005 Price: $5.00

Discover Your Destiny ebook

This ebook is devoted to answering the two-fold question that plagues mankind: Who am I and why am I here? Dr. Dale has utilized not only the Scriptures, but also the ancient magi’s knowledge of astronomy and modern writings on quantum physics to help us discover the answer. Also included is a discussion of the “Mystery Man” who is vitally connected to our individual destinies. Through the use of advanced computer programming, this study provides simple instructions to unlock the destiny codes of people born between 1920 and 2040. Delve into these secrets and start becoming the person you were meant to be. Discover your destiny!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB025 Price: $10.00

Diverse Kinds of Tongues ebook

Delve into questions that have puzzled the church for centuries—What is speaking in tongues all about? Is diverse kinds of tongues the same as prayer in the Spirit? What role does diverse kinds of tongues play in the ministry of intercession?—Be prepared to see your prayer life brought to a much higher level as you glean the truths in this timely e-book.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB016 Price: $5.00

Exercising Spiritual Authority ebook

Exercising Spiritual Authority (ESA) e-book is a spiritual warfare manual of scriptural truths that have been tried and proven on the real battlefield of life to help Christ followers gain victory and fulfill their God-given destinies. The release of this powerful knowledge in book form is the fulfillment of a promise made to many who have attended the ESA classes that have been conducted worldwide for 25+ years. These lessons remain fresh and vital, perhaps even more so now, as the time of Christ's return draws nearer.

ESA addresses the following questions and more:

1. How can I develop the right attitude of who I am in Christ?

2. How do I get rid of a victim mentality and walk in power and victory?

3. What is my spiritual domain and how do I establish it?

4. Can I use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to overcome darkness and enforce God's kingdom on this earth?

5. Are there secrets of authority that can conquer sickness, disease, and demonic captivity?

Learn how to become an equipped spiritual warrior who is trained, ready, and willing for the Master's use. Experience the thrill of true freedom that enables you to reach out and help others do the same. It's time to be "as He is" in this world by exercising the spiritual authority Jesus has given us!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB013 Price: $20.00

Exposing Sons of Belial:
Identifying and Overcoming Children of the Devil ebook

Sons and daughters of Belial are dedicated, committed children of the devil, traceable throughout the Bible like a black thread that interweaves wickedness, destruction, and intended evil. Identifying and exposing them are among the highest priorities for intercessors and warriors of the spirit realm in these latter days, and one of the church's primary responsibilities is to stand in the way of their wicked schemes. In this e-book, discover the identifying traits of sons of Belial and a powerful revelation of how to pray against them!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB029 Price: $7.00

Flowing in All Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit ebook

The Holy Spirit gives every Christian nine gifts of spiritual power in order to produce exactly the manifestation needed, according to His will. Learn how to flow in all of these nine gifts to be a more effective witness and minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB028 Price: $6.00

God Damn Satan:
Subduing the Evil Kingdom through the Power of Biblical Cursing ebook

The biblical curse is a major, powerful tool in the Christian’s arsenal. This startling revelation, documented throughout the Bible, can add power to your prayer life and create terror and chaos in the satanic kingdom. Learn how Satan stole this weapon and how you can reclaim it to help build the kingdom of God.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB022 Price: $10.00

I Ain't Takin' Acid Anymore ebook

A simple nutritional study that will yield long-lasting results and greater vitality for those who apply its truths. The regimen of acidic foods in the American diet is one of the major causes of many life-threatening issues as well as obesity in our society. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis are at an all-time high due to ignorance of the basic nutritional principle contained within this study.

Learning the proper balance and quality of alkaline and acidic foods will help safeguard you and your family against many of the feared diseases that are plaguing us. Learn which foods are causing the most damage to your body and which foods can reverse the trend.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB036 Price: $5.00

I Understand Women:
For Men who Want to Understand Women and Women who Want to Understand Themselves ebook

After 40+ years of marriage and raising four daughters, Dr. Dale has poured his well-earned wisdom into this new ebook, I Understand Women. Along with insights gained through 45+ years of ministerial counseling, the lessons his wife and daughters beat into his male brain are timeless, humorous, and thought provoking.

Unpack valuable truths that will help you survive and even thrive in a pink, “estrogen-toxic” environment, such as: what you can expect from a woman, how to really define and take care of her needs, the secret to a successful marriage, how to behave during her monthly periods, how to deal with the difficult ones (seriously), dealing with men-on-pause, and more.

Enjoy these life lessons and then decide for yourself: Does Dr. Dale really understand women, or is this just a preposterous title written by a man who thinks pink and is chronically stricken with estrogen toxicity?

Warning: Rated PG-13. This publication has no regard for political correctness or religious spirits!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB024 Price: $10.00

Interpretation of Tongues ebook

Interpretation of tongues, perhaps the least known gift of the Holy Spirit, is the foundation for learning how to hear and understand God’s voice. Are you able to distinguish the voice of God from your own thoughts? Do you know what to do next when the Holy Spirit comes upon you through speaking in tongues?

Unlock the biblical basis for using interpretation of tongues in your private prayer life and in a church service. Enjoy the fast track to learning to utilize this amazing gift in private and public settings. Redecorate your prayer closet with deeper spiritual intimacy when you begin interpreting what the Lord is saying to you in tongues. Step up to diverse kinds of tongues in the languages of men or angels and to interpreting those messages. Open portals of power you may have never before considered, such as commanding angels into spiritual warfare.

Interpretation of Tongues blends incidents and humor along with instruction on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and this gift of intimacy from the Lord. Sharpen your ability to hear His voice, understand His heart, and help bring His will to pass on earth.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB017 Price: $10.00

Man Up Spiritual Warrior Devotionals ebook

Using literary license and a vivid imagination, these devotionals were written from a hindsight perspective of spiritual warriors of the faith (many of whom are listed in Hebrews 11). These personified insights reveal what they saw the Lord do through them and what was ultimately accomplished for His kingdom. In these end days, we also must "man up," sharpen our swords, and allow Him to do some courageous works through us!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB010 Price: $5.00

Mending Cracks in the Soul ebook

A powerful and delivering book covering the subject of memory healing through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Strongly grounded in biblical documentation and practical experience, Dale M. Sides teaches how a soul can crack due to trauma, how the Holy Spirit can reveal the truth, and how that crack can be forever mended. This book is an invaluable resource to those seeking freedom from the past and to those who minister healing.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB014 Price: $10.00

Perfect Redemption: The Purpose of His Passion ebook

Most Christians know more about the blood of Jesus through songs we have sung and movies we have seen than through the Bible we have read. Isn't it time to take a closer look for ourselves? Jesus Christ suffered for a reason—to redeem us. He bled seven different ways to free us from bondage, break off curses, and empower us for a life of victory. Learn the purpose for His passion. Discover your rights—Jesus paid for them with His own blood. Claim your perfect redemption!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB026 Price: $15.00

Practical Keys to Walking by Revelation ebook

God is creative and sovereign and can talk to us in any way He chooses. So how do we sharpen our discernment to listen and understand Him?

Practical Keys to Walking by Revelation is like a "pocket size" reference for those who are hungry to walk by the Spirit. It is not an exhaustive study but spotlights important keys to expand our recognition of when and how God speaks to us. May this journey of discovery put us on the path of an exquisite and powerful walk with Him!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.


Item Number: EB041 Price: $5.00

Realizing & Fulfilling Your Personal Ministry ebook

God has called each member of the body of Christ to a specific ministry—do you know what yours is? Discover His unique purpose for your life and how you can best serve Him and others with the abilities and calling He has given you (Ephesians 4:4–16).

Click here to download this free e-book.

Item Number: EB001 Price: $0.00

Studying War:
They Continually Gather Together for War ebook

Warmongers really do exist, and their methods and schemes even go far beyond instigating wars. The Bible clearly identifies these children of darkness who line their pockets with blood money. In Studying War (the sequel to Exposing Sons of Belial), discover how these evildoers, with their goal of world domination and control, are unwittingly fulfilling end-time biblical prophecy. What the warmongers have meant for harm, God (Yahweh) can use to usher in His end-time plans.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB006 Price: $5.00

T.R.U.C.O.P.S. ebook

Jesus came to set the captives free, but many Christians feel inadequate to minister deliverance to those who need it. TRUCOPS (pronounced "tru cops") is a deliverance manual made simple. It offers a no-nonsense approach to deliverance, employing the acronym TRUCOPS to represent the major portals of demonic entry. Read this practical deliverance guidebook and build your faith to step out into the field of deliverance and boldly help yourself and others to be freed from demonic bondage. 

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB002 Price: $8.00

The 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ on the Earth:
Will You Make It or Miss It? ebook

Jesus Christ is returning soon to reign as King for 1,000 years on earth. Will you find a place of honor in His kingdom, or will you miss it? What you do today determines the answer to that question. Rulership with Jesus is part of the inheritance that God wants to bestow upon His children who have been diligent about their Father’s business, building up His kingdom. Your entire life is a qualifying round for the millennial kingdom of Christ and will determine your position in it. Don’t miss out!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB018 Price: $15.00

The Anointing In & On ebook

Many Christians are confused about the work of the Holy Spirit. What does it mean to have the abiding, indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit? How does that differ from the Holy Spirit coming upon someone to accomplish His will on the earth? What is the believer's responsibility when the Holy Spirit moves? These questions and others are answered through the detailed, yet concise, documentation of God's Word.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB032 Price: $6.00

The Cancer Answer ebook
Cancer has become a common ailment in modern times and millions of dollars have gone into research for its cure. And yet, tucked away in the research of Dr. Otto Warburg (winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize for Medicine) is a discovery that could save thousands of lives and fortunes in medical bills! Not only does this e-book draw on Dr. Warburg’s research, but it also shares what could be the greatest single tip to maintaining health.
Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB008 Price: $5.00

The History & Truth of the Zodiac ebook

Do you want to know the truth that charlatans, fortune tellers, and astrologers have perverted and hidden? The Zodiac is made up of pictures and symbols representing the promised Messiah. Each constellation, star, and planet speaks of Him. Mythology and astro-divination have hidden the true Astrologos. Learn the ancient secrets of the Magi. View a representation of the most accurate Zodiac since the time of Noah. Discover what the heavens really say about you.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.


Item Number: EB023 Price: $6.00

The Ministry of Liberality ebook

Our Lord Jesus Christ was very direct regarding His exhortations to wealthy people. Two profound statements Jesus made relative to the ministry of liberality are "To whom much is given, much will be required," and "How hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Although Jesus said it was hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, He also said "With God all things are possible." This ebook teaches the vital requirements for ministers of liberality to enter the 1000-year reign with Jesus on the earth.

  • Learn of the scriptural cautions and consequences of improperly utilizing the ministry of liberality.
  • Recognize the pivotal position that ministers of liberality have in this world.
  • Glean from the wisdom of righteous rich men in the Scriptures.
  • Discover four keys to apply to unlock the entrance into the 1000-year reign with Jesus on the earth.


Item Number: EB040 Price: $5.00

The Satanic Deception of Knife & Fork ebook

Statistics tell us that nine in ten Americans will die due to diseases caused by dietary deficiencies and deception. The thief (Satan) has come to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), and he has stolen our knowledge of nutrition in order to ultimately destroy our spiritual destinies. Poisoning is a very effective strategy in warfare, especially when the victims like the taste of it, are ignorantly eating it, and are feeding it to their children and friends. Don't be a casualty of war; learn how to be free of this Satanic deception. You have a destiny and only one physical body in which you can accomplish it. Determine to run your course to the end and carry out your God-given purpose! 

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB007 Price: $5.00

The Three Doctrines of Damnation ebook

The Lord is looking for a pure and holy Bride. Jesus warns, in the book of Revelation, of three specific doctrines of damnation that have permeated His church—the doctrines of the Nicolaitans, Balaam, and Jezebel. This ebook explores the truths set forth by the Teacher, Jesus Christ, and explains both what to watch for and to pray for that we may be presented holy and blameless to our Bridegroom in that great and awesome Day of the Lord.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB038 Price: $7.00

True Confessions of Spiritual Warriors ebook

When you hear the term "true confessions" you think about choice tidbits of juicy, basically unknown information from a person in the know regarding what is going on behind the scenes. That is exactly what this booklet is about. These testimonies from the great cloud of witnesses are full of insights and lessons to learn. They are not meant to be doctrinal assertions, but a different way to couch truth and offer wisdom into the deeper things of spiritual warfare. They are by no means "a word" from these great men and women of the Bible, but personified insights to help us all become better soldiers for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB015 Price: $5.00

Turning Churches into Armies ebook

Most Christians know Jesus the Shepherd, but how many know Him as Yeshua the Warrior? The Holy Spirit is calling the church to WAR. The time has come for us to transform from passive sheep into bold soldiers of Yeshua the Warrior—to shed our wool and put on the whole armor of God. If we are going to take our cities, states, and countries for the Lord Jesus Christ, we must unleash the warrior inside us and exercise our spiritual authority to carry out the Great Commission of discipling the nations! This "field manual" offers practical instruction for pastors, church leaders, and other members of the body of Christ on how to turn your church into a mobilized army of the Lord, changing the spiritual atmosphere of your city and boldly rescuing the prisoners of darkness.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB031 Price: $12.00

Understanding & Breaking the Schemes of the Devil ebook

This powerful and equipping e-book can change your life! Discover and identify the particular scheme that the devil has perpetrated against you personally. Then, armed with solid biblical and practical understanding of how the scheme works, learn how to break that scheme with the sword of the Spirit.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB003 Price: $5.00

Victory over Iniquity ebook

Jesus warned that in the end times, iniquity would abound and the love of many would wax cold (Matthew 24:12). Generational iniquities form the root of sin and transgressions that have plagued mankind throughout history. This teaching series covers the four basic iniquities of fear, lust, anger, and pride, and how to conquer them. All of us have been afflicted by at least one of these iniquities and need God's help to overcome them. All four iniquities are weaknesses that can allow demonic entry into people’s souls, and thus we must diligently guard against them at all times. Victory over Iniquity provides scriptural insight and practical keys to conquer these generational iniquities and to walk in the freedom that Jesus accomplished for us. It’s time we understand how to rise victoriously over these generational corruptors. Claim your victory over iniquity!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB030 Price: $7.00

Where Are the Apostles? e-book

Where are the apostles? This question begs to be answered not only by potential apostles but by every believer in the body of Christ. This provision of leadership has been questioned, denied, and ignored; but as it properly reenters the contemporary church scene, great growth could result! Discover the long lost truths of this ministry and reactivate this vital provision to help equip the saints and edify the whole body of Christ.

C. Peter Wagner, founder of The International Coalition of Apostles, said of Where Are the Apostles? "This is a highly readable book—it makes a long story short! In my opinion, there is no better entry-level book on apostles and apostolic ministry available today."

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB012 Price: $5.00

Where Do You Go When You Die?-ebook

Few questions are more important or more emotionally charged than, "Where do you when you die?"

This booklet examines the Scriptures and other ancient texts to discover where the spirit of man goes after the demise of its physical body. The ancient book of Enoch agrees with the Bible while offering more specifics of the places a departed spirit can go. Will your destination be Paradise, where righteousness reigns? Or will it be among the deep recesses of Sheol (Hell), where darkness and separation from God is guaranteed?

Do not wait to discover your eternal fate. Find out now the choices you have for your eternal destination. Learn how the decision you make on this earth will determine which place will be yours.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB035 Price: $6.00

Who Do You Think You Are? ebook

Does the image you hold of yourself line up with the truth of who God has made you to be? This is not a self-help book filled with cheap psychological tricks; instead, it is a Bible-based book to help build your confidence in what the Creator thinks and says about you.

Discover the person God made you to be and walk in confidence and true boldness. Love yourself the way God loves you; change the way you think about yourself.

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB034 Price: $6.00

You Don't Have to Be Smart to Walk with God ebook
  • Do you want to recognize the voice of God speaking to you?
  • Do you desire an intimate relationship with your heavenly Father?
  • Do you want to increase the power of God in your life?

This book focuses on these very issues. Walking and talking with God is simple. The keys to walking with God are easy to apply and eternally profitable. Any Christian can use them because you really don't have to be smart to walk with God!

Note: Reading and downloading instructions will be sent via email, usually within 3 business days.

Item Number: EB027 Price: $8.00